The Legacy

Evelyn Dick in Popular Culture: The case of Evelyn Dick has been retold, dramatized and immortalized in popular culture:

  • Where are you Mrs. Dick? An 8-part true crime documentary series – Check out the podcast here.

  • Torso: The Evelyn Dick Story (2002)

  • Hamilton punk band The Forgotten Rebels penned the song Mrs. Evelyn Dick on their (Untitled) album in 1989:

Evelyn was a party girl from Hamilton south
Her hubby drove a bus ’round the Gore Park fountain
Then one day they had a terrible fight
You should have seen what happened that night.

She took the saw, and cut off his arms
Took the saw, and cut off his legs
Took the saw, and cut off his head

Why did you do it Mrs. Evelyn Dick?
How could you!? Mrs. Dick!?

Strewn the gibs down underneath the stairs
Maggots on the ground and flies in the air
Some kids playing doctor got him out of the sack
Started playing with the pieces but they didn’t put him

She took the saw, she cut off his arms
Took the saw, she cut off his legs
Took the saw, she cut off his head

Why did you do it Mrs. Evelyn Dick?
How could you? Mrs. Dick?!

Now the rot filled head stares at her in jail
With the moonlighting guards and the nightstand pail.
They didn’t make a movie, wrote a book instead
You can read it to your lover every night before bed

She took the saw, she cut off his arms
Took the saw, she cut off his legs
Took the saw, she cut off his head